Funhouse Filters
Type of Program: Plugin filters for Graphics Editors
Supported Platforms: Windows 95/98/ME/ 2000/NT
Authors Name: Kipp McMichael
Version: ?
Price: Freeware
Installed Size: 1000 KB
Here's a wonderful collection of 40 filters for your graphics editor, and they are all free! I've downloaded, installed, and played with them (see the screenshot I've included) and there's no end to the fun you can have. The set includes: Acid Lithograph, BugEye, Centripedal Tile, Chaos Mirror, Circular Streaker, Circus Maximus, Cirquelate, Color Warp, Confetti, Convergence, Emission Mirror, Evanescence, Facet Offset, Heizenberg's Mirror, Maelstr”m, Moire mirror, Patch ring, Patch work, Perverse, Polar convergence, Polar perverse, Quantum Tile, Radial Mirror, Radial Moirror, Radial Tile Mirror, Ring Mirror, Ring Tile, Sector Mosaic, Sectorize, Sierpenski's Mirror, Spyrozag, Streaker, Tile Mirror, Tremors, Tunnel Tile, Turbine Mirror, Twister, Xaggerate, and Zigzaggerate.
There are two zip files, Funhouse 1 and Funhouse 2. Make sure you get them both! The help file is sparse, but they ARE free. Download them today!
User Friendly
Ease of Installation
Reviewed by Angelene
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