The Shareware Review People


Type of Program: Microsoft Word Utility
Supported Platforms: Win9x/NT
Authors Name: Enhancement Software
Version: 4.0128 thru 137
Price: $29.95
Installed Size: 9.3m FULL Install


Since the release of this program the company has since made some nice changes to StampIt, most notably the speed. The earlier release of StampIt did all that it said it would but now, it does it at blazing speeds! StampIt loads fast within Word as opposed to slowing it down before in the load time. So, now you can keep right along working, not having to wait for Word to load along with StampIt. This is very nice!

If you have not seen the earlier review of StampIt let me give you a rundown of the program. StampIt lets you selectively "stamp" copies of your document with different types of "rubber stamps." StampIt works with Word 97 and Word 2000. It accommodates virtually an unlimited number of stamps depending on your hard disk size and memory. Now you can "sign" your documents with a graphic or with text at the time of stamping each of your documents. Using StampIt you can stamp your document in either hollow, watermarked, or solid type stamps. If that's not enough, stamps can be rotated, scaled and positioned anywhere on your document, you can choose to print on only the pages you select, and with a color printer you can have the stamp printed in color "over" the black and white document text.

This is a great program and one you should try out, especially if you do any amount of word processing! With StampIt you are no longer bound to using header or footers to place side-notes such as "Copy, Confidential, Internal Use Only, etc." because StampIt allows you to make that great impression on all your documents! StampIt was tested and approved by Microsoft as an approved Office Update to Word 97/2000 and should be available through the Microsoft Office Update section of

Since this new and improved release of StampIt I give it a 5 Star rating all the way around. Try it out yourself, you will be impressed. Give it your "stamp" of approval.

User Friendly
Ease of Installation
Reviewed by Robert Hall

Purchases can be made online from their Web site or through the order forms via the Help files.

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